There are following types of conditional statements in C :
- if statement
- if - else statement
- nested if-else statement
- if -else if ladder
- switch statement
2. If-else statement - The statements inside the body of “if” only execute if the given condition returns true. If the condition returns false then the statements inside “else” is executed.
Syntax :
if (condition)
// Body of the loop.
// These statements will only execute if the condition is true.
// Body of the loop.
// These statements will only execute if the "if" condition is false.
Flow Diagram of if-else statement
Example of if-else statement in C
int main()
int a=15,b=10;
if(a<=b) //if condition statement
printf("Value of a is less than or equal to b."); //display output
else //else condition statement
printf("Value of b is less than a."); //display output
Value of b is less than a.
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