#include<iostream.h> //Start of the program.
int main()
cout<<"\n\t\tSIMPLE CALCULATION PROGRAM\n\n\n"; //Displaying the content.
int a,b; //Declaring the variables.
cout<<"\n\tEnter the First Number :\t"; //Displaying First message
cin>>a; //Assigning first value to a.
cout<<"\n\tEnter the Second Number :\t"; //Displaying Second message
cin>>b; //Assigning the second value to b.
cout<<"\n\n\n\tSUM of two numbers are :\t"<<a+b; //Addition result output.
cout<<"\n\n\n\tDIFFERENCE of two numbers are :\t"<<b-a; //Addition result output.
cout<<"\n\n\n\tPRODUCT of two numbers are :\t"<a*b; //Subtraction result output.
cout<<"\n\n\n\tDIVISION of two numbers are :\t"<<b/a; //Division result output.
cout<<"\n\n\n\tMODULUS of two numbers are :\t"<<a%b; //Modulus result output.
} //End of the program.
\n- Places the cursor on the line.
Write a C++program to perform arithmetic calculation between two numbers.
If you have any doubts , Please let me know.